Proposal for the development of educational media activity in the basic education stage
The beginning of the third millennium witnessed scientific and technological changes. The most prominent of these changes were the ICTs, which had an impact on all that is social. The area of life was influenced by the influence of informatics,
The society has been faced with new changes and challenges that have made it necessary to move from traditional society to a society of communication and information revolution characterized by the enormous change and growth of all knowledge and information in various branches of science and knowledge, making it difficult to take advantage of such knowledge unless the individual is provided With the skills to be able to benefit from it.
Educators realized that education was not in any age, free from changes
Which move societies, and that education is directly or indirectly affected by the progress of civilization
And the advancement of education comes in the mobilization of human potential, and the latest educational methods. (2)
In order to cope with this accelerated progress, it is necessary to turn the attention to teaching and learning to the challenges of this century, which is characterized by informatics and the spread of globalization.
For a proposed research on the development of educational media activity in the basic education stage click here